Review of Harry's Law

Harry's Law (2011–2012)
Simple and Unrealistic
17 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched the premiere episode. Having really been looking forward to the show, I wanted to see it succeed. But having just watched an episode of the Defenders before watching this pilot episode, I was left wanting so much more. This show had a strong first few minutes. Funny, clever, and intriguing as far as characters are concerned. But the moment that two attorneys start arguing politics in a courtroom and another reprimands a judge and goes nuts without any consequences, I start to question how hard this show is trying. To me, it's trying way to hard. Viewers are too smart for these Hollywood antics. We've heard the "No, you're out of order" line too many times to accept it from an another show, especially one trying to make a unique name for itself.

Overall, I loved the antics and personality quirks I saw in the sneak peek clips much more than I did in the show because there just wasn't enough Kathy Bates in the pilot. The episode was split into telling not only her story but the story of what turned out to be three other co- workers. As far as the cases are concerned, both were handled unrealistically. A guy is busted for the third time for cocaine use and the judge lets him off? I understand the heart of the story but honesty it's hard for me as a viewer to see any light at the end of the tunnel when I know there's no case to be had. It's like the writers wanted to show off Bates' ability to fluff up the jury and then give us an unexpected twist with a guilty verdict and then surprise us again. In reality they just tied the story in a lot of knots and then had to get themselves untied quickly in hopes of capturing the emotional points with viewers and hoping they would overlook the craziness of the situation. Unfortunately the suspension of disbelief for this show's credibility is quickly lost the moment any of the court scenes began.

I really hate to be so critical of a show but there's just so much potential with Bates' character if the writers would stay away from cheap thrills and easy payoffs, stop complicating the story with unrealistic speeches and lots of political dead weight, and for goodness sake give Harriet something to do! She spent almost the entire show getting hit by cars and walking around with her arms at her sides. Brittany Snow's blonde secretary did more work miraculously cleaning up a filthy shoe store in the course of a few days than Bates' did solving the case. I wanted her character to shine but how can it when the first case she's given is one that is impossible to solve because there's no mystery!?! "We can't win this case", that's what she says. And as a viewer you totally agree with her. You're not even holding out for the bit of evidence that will save them because there's no one to save. The guy's guilty. This all boils down to writing. Change writers, save the show. Keep going with this simplistic, political- talking-point mediocrity and Harriet will be better off selling shoes.
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