Franco's O (2007 Video)
Nice Interview with Franco
27 February 2011
Franco's O (2007)

*** (out of 4)

Nice interview with director Jess Franco is on the DVD release of his 1984 film SEXUAL STORY OF O, which is actually one of his best films of the decade. In the featurette Franco discusses the story, which the film is based on as well as his love for the work of De Sade. Franco mentions that he has made this story several times over his career but one downside of this interview is that he doesn't get to discuss those other films or compare all of them or even mention what he decided to change in this one. Franco does get to go into detail about the cast members and he talks about why many of them were new to him. Franco admits that he felt too comfortable with his regular group of actors so he decided to see if he could do a movie with new people and still make it work. Franco speaks rather highly of Carmen Carrion and Daniel Katz but the same can't be said for the lead actress Alicia Principe who Franco says was just too stupid for her own good. Franco admits she has a nice body but he repeatedly says she hasn't got much upstairs. The documentary runs about 15-minutes and hits on a wide range of topics as I'm sure you already know Franco has an opinion on just about everything and he isn't afraid to say what he feels. That's what makes watching these featurettes so much fun and why they're often better than the films themselves. In this case, the movie is certainly one of his best so that's why I was a little shocked to hear him say he didn't think it was all that good.
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