Source Code (2011)
The train now arriving at platform 4 is running 8 mins late
16 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Went to a London preview screening of the film and found it a very enjoyable sci-fi thriller, with the repetitive time loop device having enough variation each time around to keep the viewer hooked.

Only those with a degree in quantum physics might understand the science behind it but essentially this whodunit mystery with Jake as our protagonist (Airforce Captain, Colter Stevens) trying to find out who caused a bomb on the train is an attention grabbing ride. Initially Colter confusion about what's happening to him is a bit drawn out at first but important in light of events later on in the film which reveal what the source code is and how he is being sent through time.

There is a twist to the film although cannier viewers than me might summarise this early on however and this is built up gradually. when the real situation is revealed it is a poignant moment and really anchors the predicament of Jake with the viewer.

I'm almost certain that everyone who leaves the film will be pondering the same question and that is whether Duncan Jones' movie would have made a more lasting (albeit darker) impression if ended at a crucial moment in the last act of the movie. Who knows what the original ending was conceived to be but in this case I think it's fair to say its the destination rather than the journey that could have elevated this to something extra. Still I would say 'all board' to those of you meaning to catch this.
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