The Wedding Dress (2001 TV Movie)
The "Birdemic" of romantic comedy
28 April 2011
Nothing says "comedy" more than the death of a crucial character at the worst possible moment.

On the other hand, every single character who appeared on screen was so whiny/pathetic/stupid/slimy it made me want to kill each of them with a cake fork, so perhaps that death was actually the happy ending and all the rest was epilogue. Hard to say.

I spent most of the movie wondering, "Why is Barney (from "How I Met Your Mother") pretending to be such a clichéd sap?" Then I wondered, "Why is Neil Patrick Harris acting so badly? Is he being ironic? Or just taking care not to outshine everyone else? Or is it the dialogue sticking in his throat?" If a single couple in this movie stayed married more than 24 hours, I'm shocked. They were, quite simply, useless and charmless cliché-spewing androids. The dewy-eyed expressions of every sympathetic female character upon seeing the dress was a particular highlight (ditto the slobbering joy of every man on seeing said women wearing the dress).

The only part of the movie that made sense was the divorce.

Also, the dog's acting seemed fine.

By the halfway point, I was watching the movie for the pleasure of seeing my husband repeatedly bash himself over the head with a piece of styrofoam (you'll find this is a typical reaction to this film). We giggled more and more helplessly as the dialogue continued with heartfelt and subtle lines like: "It's even more beautiful than I remembered. . . and so are you. And so are you." Recommended drinking game: Drink whenever something bad happens to the dress; whenever a character does something criminally stupid; and whenever you swallow vomit due to a particularly heinous line of dialogue.

Actually, just drink without stopping. That's the only way to watch this movie.
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