Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
Absolutely Hilarious
13 May 2011
I'm going to tell you now that the advertising for this movie is weak. It comes off as some kind of chick flick, it's trailer gets a few chuckles out, but it really does not do the film justice. Bridesmaids will be the surprising film of the year and could very well even be the comedy of the year, topping films like The Hangover II and 30 Minutes Or Less. Yes, it's that funny. And I will tell you now, this is not the film you think it is.

Bridesmaids is a fairly simple film that sees one unlucky lady being the maid of honor for her best friend while attempting to plan the wedding. All of this as her own life falls apart at her feet. Suffice to say, hilarity ensues. And it really does ensue. Surprisingly, despite what you might think, this is not a chick flick. It's got romcom elements to it, but it's like any other comedy, but with that rare all female cast. I can't remember the last time laughing this much during a movie. It helps that everything falls into place so well. Kristen Wiig is hilarious and this should be her star making film. She carries this with great talent and is at her most hilarious here, while still playing the emotional parts very well. There wasn't a single moment that brought me out of the film, and that is the sign of a film well done. Her surrounding cast does as great a job, with Melissa McCarthy being the standout as the token obnoxious groupie. Nearly all the scenes featuring her are laugh out loud funny.

The writing also shines here as it's Apatowian comedy comes through. This is reminiscent of the early Apatow films, like 30 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up. The comedy lingers at some moments, and even shoots for being uncomfortable. The dress scene in particular is gross, but probably got the biggest laughs, as I could hear people in the theater barely containing themselves. But again, the film is a constant laugh riot. It certainly does have a very nice emotional backbone and that comes across well with a very relatable story that isn't so much about any kind of romance but rather someone who is losing their mind. You feel bad for Wiig's character, but not in a way that makes her sappy or over the top. Rather, it's a down to earth kind of falling apart that anyone could relate to. Much in the way that Knocked Up and Superbad worked for their relative stories, Bridesmaids is a rare comedy that has an all female cast, yet can appeal to anyone.

I guess that's the biggest surprise here, that this is a film that can work for everyone. My audience was mostly female, but everyone was cracking up the entire time. So, don't let that fool you. Nor should you let the advertising fool you either. This is one hilarious film that you would be sorry to have missed.
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