Octopussy (1983)
Crass, confusing and downright campy.
27 June 2011
3 problems with Octopussy:

1. Roger Moore is 56 here. 2. The plot is so overly-complex it's almost headache inducing. Not to mention there's so many stupid elements in it. 3. The majority of the cast (not including the magnificent, if OTT Loius Jordan) is shallow and forgettable.

Pretty much sums up this movie. The second worst Bond, next to Die Another Day, which is absolutely god-awful. However, the movie does have a few things going for it. The action scenes are pretty well staged and John Barry's score is, as ever, great. Rita Cooldridge's theme "All Time High" is very good as well.

Overall, no bond Movie is terrible, but this one is wholly bad.
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