Excellent Film with some flaws
15 July 2011
I feel bad that the average rating for this movie is less than half because I believe there were less than 20 reviews, and a couple of people who praised it gave it no rating. I'll try to bring it up with this review.

Others have basically given the narrative so I'll skip that. I'll mention that Shue, Roemer, and the supporting cast gave good, if not very good performances. Some characterizations were stereotypical of mental illness, and I might question using the multiple personality theme to get across the idea of someone's struggle with comparative general mental illness that might be slightly hackneyed and misplaced. (but essential to the plot).

That being said, I think Brooks did a tour de force job with conveying the inner workings of mental illness. Everything in the movie felt and breathed it. She was spot on with the isolation, confusion, and frustration. She showed what mental illness can do to a person leaving out only some details and development that wouldn't have necessarily extended meaning to the narrative, and would have made it painfully long.

This movie is a must see for anyone interested in knowing what mental illness is like from within, and hopefully providing hope to those who suffer from this debilitating disease. I also hope that more people come to understand the reality of how misunderstood and stigmatized mental illness can be, and as a result that more people are helped.

I rate this movie a solid 7 for the story/acting, and a 9 for direction/production value, averaging 8 overall.
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