Review of Trapeze

Trapeze (1956)
Circus triangle
31 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Mike Ribble is a crippled trapeze aerialist who sees potential in the young Tino Orsini.But between them comes a woman named Lola.A love triangle is ready.Trapeze (1956) is directed by Carol Reed.Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis both do solid work as the leading duo.And I can't find anything wrong in Gina Lollobrigida's performance.The movie has many faults, it doesn't rise to the level it oughta rise.During the end it gets a little better, like what's happening at the hotel.Tino finds out what's going on between Mike and Lola, and it gets all nasty.And when they give it a go for the triple somersault, and the safety net is taken off.This isn't a top-notch pic when it comes to circus movies, but it's OK anyway.
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