Review of Shifty

Shifty (2008)
The Boring Life Of A Crack Dealer
12 August 2011
Not sure how this film has 6 out of 10 but British people tend to big up British films even if the aren't that good.

Shifty is pretty boring, slowly paced and lacking any interesting action. The DVD cover emphasises the soundtrack which is mundane.

Nothing much happens, Shifty gets chased by the police and gets mugged.He deals drugs and its not that interesting. ITV or BBC would make a drama like this. There is no grittiness. Where Shifty lives looks pretty OK to me.

I would recommend LAYER CAKE as a better drug film or HARRY BROWN for grittiness or the original GET CARTER for a real 10/10 classic.

I will not watch Shifty again and it will be going to a charity shop.

Not recommended.
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