22 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
You don't betray your 'hero' 2/3 into the movie...because you are betraying the audience as well, and while twists can be interesting, this one was, while surprising, so off-putting, that I lost all interest - and it wasn't that much at that point anyway...

The film starts veeeerrryyyy slow. Nothing happens, oh, okay, an indie flick with pretentious cinematography and a bunch of Valley losers - boring and depressing...and I mind the boring part much more than the depressing part!

A cardboard cut-out volatile dad whose character is not developed at all. A teenage daughter who, while in conflict with daddy, is not really a rebel at all, just a leeeetle easy... A younger half-brother or something who has anxieties from who knows where, I suspected daddy of wrongdoing, but it turned out dad's just a little neglecting and over-protective, but essentially a good guy...great.

A cowboy from South Dakota who's not a cowboy from South Dakota but a Jewish ex con from the Valley, and a psychopath to boot. Puh- leeeze, are you kidding me?

So, forget the first hour, forget the love story, he shoots her and goes off without caring what happens to her...hello??? Why would I care what he does after that??? I mean, except repenting or something...or being responsible for his actions, something he professed to believe in in another movie - the one of the first hour...haha, how funny, it was all a show...NOT funny, NOT shocking, JUST boring.

Oh my, what did this movie want to be???

Bad script.

And I love Ed, I really do, and he IS great in this (until that stupid twist, then it all slides downhill...), but I really wish I hadn't wasted my time with this film...
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