Apollo 18 (2011)
Claustrophobic horror
3 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
You're always concerned when there are a lack of reviews prior to a release and many may see this as a reason to avoid this film, however there is a lot to appreciate in this taught and claustrophobic horror.

The film uses many of the techniques cemented by Blair Witch so expect hand-cam action and, given its background, the footage is also filmed much like the moon landing footage. The reasons behind this are obvious as it allows the development team to avoid expensive special effects due to the quality of the footage.

Acting is also good. Given most main scenes are set in tight spaces the actors have to get the most out of their environments. They do this well, building on the feeling of being trapped by not one but two main enemies. In fact it is this doubt and then dawning realisation that they are simply pawns in a much bigger game which comes across best, and the growing understanding that they aren't going to be coming home.

Taking time to explain the reasons behind the mission, a reasonable launch date (to avoid prying eyes) and having obviously paid attention to footage from the other Apollo missions the plot moves well. There's enough going on at all times to keep you engaged.

In the end this is never going to be everyone's film. It's going to be compared to Blair Witch and will be disliked by those expecting a sci-fi effects fest. It isn't these things. It's just a well made horror/thriller that doesn't outlast its welcome.
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