The Scientist (I) (2010)
Lovely weird, and unshut
6 September 2011
Lovely weird. That's my description. Rarely have I seen a movie, that has no stunning grand visuals, yet relies so little on dialog. It is refreshing that there are still directors out there, who can tell a story in such an opaque way, that the audience is left with no choice but to think about it. That's very nice.

It's not 100% clear cut what's going on here. It would seem, that our main character is looking for a way to reconnect with his dead wife and daughter. Perhaps trying to bring their consciousness back or extend his own? I don't know, what the main character is planning exactly. It's never told, and this is part of then charm of the movie. This is where you have to start interpreting.

A previous reviewer spoke of an intend to create a machine to elevate consciousness to a higher level through manipulation of psychic energy. Well, that would be one interpretation. But I must remark, that at no point does the word psychic appear in this movie.

So, if a delicate subject is so delicately told, why only 5 stars out of 10? Well, the ending is predicable and must be considered the low point of the movie in quality of directing as well as acting. Sorry, but that should be changed, if possible. There are shining points through out, but not enough. That, and the storyline next door. It is totally ignored in the end. Maybe we are shown too much, since I actually started to care for her. But in the end, it was just segway into showing his final transformation.

In the end, Bill Sage's acting skills were what I applauded, wholeheartedly.

So, thank you for making this movie. Now take the subject to the next level, and give us something more breathtaking.
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