Review of 3

3 (2010)
Unique, moving, sensual… simply beautiful!
21 September 2011
Unusual and, at the same time, uplifting story. Great acting and a well-directed movie. I am not sure if everyone who watched it will be touched in the same way I was, but -if people can overcome their stereotypes and simply enjoy the film- it will leave them with positive feelings and make them reflect on it long after the ending credits have rolled up. The story is not about your typical next door married couple that enters their middle-age era with all its fears, frustrations, joys, sorrows and life-changing truths. It is that same story but with an unexpected twist and a touching end. I am a happy gay man in a stable civil partnership. After a long period of a loving, monogamous and joyful 'marriage' we stepped into the same twilight zone of middle age, which evoked many questions, doubts and ridiculous thoughts. At the same time, and by some strange twist of fate, we met our Adam in real life and both developed feelings for him. Ever since we live in our own ménage à trios, which gives us many happy moments, pleasures and helps us to re-discovered ourselves.

One reviewer described it as painfully slow and full of empty self importance. I would say that Tom Tykwer cleverly combined some scenes without dialogue -but with much deeper meaning- with other elements that are very dynamic, colorful, erotically-charged or simply entertaining. The soundtrack gives it a perfect final touch. Brilliant photography.

If people think that they will miraculously skip their middle age in life, they should avoid this movie. Since that is biologically impossible -- watch the movie and you may learn something about the most fundamental issues that life brings half way down the road. Highly recommended!
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