A very funny movie
30 September 2011
This is one of the best Greek movies that have been released. Written and directed by Nikos Perakis. The story is about some friends in the Greek Army that often do things that will make them go to the military prison. It is basically a good filmed movie and if you are a Greek you will like it even more...

The film is not long (1hour 34 minutes) but that means that in a very small film, you will laugh more than you ever did before. Some scenes contain bad language and some scenes that are inappropriate for young children . I can't tell about the age because every country has it's rules so in America it may be PG-13 and in UK R-Rated.I hope you got the point

It was filmed in 1984 and it is one o the bat comedies I have ever seen. Watch it and you won't stop laughing.
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