Flypaper (2011)
Watchable exactly one time
5 October 2011
It is really a tough task to review a movie that actually should be a classic theater performance. Not a movie. Ever. It has all the elements of a classic "who dunnit?" crime/comedy plot, perfect for theater stages. It's really funny, too, but not movie-sort-of-funny (like, for instance, "Hangover"). These are classic theater dialogue/situation comedy and should be treated as such. Therefore, making a movie out of it was a total miss. Give it to a good theater director and you'll have a hit. Nobody there will wonder how come no police is involved (or alarmed, for that matter), everybody is suspicious and has something to hide, and it should all end as a classic Poirot: everybody gathered in a room where a good detective deducts who's the "criminal mastermind". Five stars for trying to transfer this into a movie. Next time leave theater shows where they belong.
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