The Scientist (I) (2010)
The Metaphysicist
19 October 2011
I'm surprised that so many people hated this movie, and yet I'm also not surprised. It's obvious that the director was going for an art house vibe, but, judging by the reviews here, I think that people were expecting Michael Bay or Roland Emmerich, instead of Stanley Kubrick. The people who'd ordinarily like art house movies were turned off by the pro-life message at the end. The name of the movie is called The Scientist, yet there's no actual science involved here -- just metaphysics and quantum mysticism. At one point, the titular scientist even delivers an anti-science rant, where he calls Einstein a fraud. If the rationalists weren't alienated by all the metaphysical mumbo jumbo beforehand, they're definitely ready to get up and leave now.

Luckily, it takes more than artistic pretensions, slow pacing, metaphysical mumbo jumbo, or a preachy pro-life message to drive me away from a movie. However, what I find a bit off-putting was the way the director ripped off 2001: A Space Odyssey, though I suppose you could call it an homage, if you were feeling kind. Though it lacks some of the more surreal or symbolic elements of 2001, I got this continual feeling that the director was doing his best to channel Kubrick into every single scene. There were also obvious influences from Solaris. Now, I'm as big a fan of 2001 and Solaris as the next pretentious film snob, but, really, there comes a time when you need to stop studying those movies and move on with your life, so that you can develop your own style, independent from them. Unfortunately, it seems as though this director hasn't quite reached that point yet, though I'll say that he's got good taste in cinema.

The pro-life message and mystical mumbo jumbo are a bit annoying, but I think they're forgivable. I find much to admire in Romanticism, but when it becomes this reactionary, irrational, and sentimental, I quickly lose interest. If you're into that sort of thing, though, I'm sure this movie will resonate with you. However, for those rationalists out there, I'd probably suggest you skip this. It's a gigantic middle finger to you and your beliefs. Of course, as in all wish fulfillment scenarios, the metaphysical beliefs of the titular scientist are proved correct, and once the imperialist asshole imposes his beliefs on his neighbors, their lives are magically transformed into a fairy tale romance, bringing them back from the brink of divorce. Come on. That's just over-the-top. Nonetheless, it's artsy enough to score some points with me, making up for the didacticism and errant philosophy.
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