Nowhere Man (1995–1996)
Truly Remarkable
14 March 2012
This show manages to pull off a truly amazing trick. It begins with a premise that seems silly and far-fetched but is none-the-less interesting and hopefully you stick with it out of that interest.

I hope you do because as you get towards the final episodes it becomes apparent that the there is a truly remarkable and brilliant explanation (take note Chris Carter!) and once it's revealed (or you guess it) the silly and far-fetched idea is not only perfectly plausible, it is a subtle and cunning plot that rocks your view of the entire series.

The themes of social control and manipulation are built up in layers of seemingly episodic importance but only in the closing stages does it become apparent that there is a grand plan and that it not only makes sense, but is chillingly resonant.

One of the few, truly under-rated shows or our time. Watch it!
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