A piece of history
25 March 2012
A stunner.. An Indian Rambo, far far away from the horse-borne dacoits and cheesy dialogs of similar films. Reportedly based on the life and times of an Indian army subedar, the film is a piece of history. That an army man finds civilian life difficult is well known. But this man took up arms because of the failure of the civilian administration to address his problems, as well as the army's failure to intervene, or at least coordinate with the administration, so that an illustrious ex-army man like Paan Singh had to undergo the travails that he did.

This film is a lesson on how to make films, which are entertaining, and not over-the-top. It is also a history lesson, for those in power, who see this sort of tragedy occurring in the lives of common people, but do nothing, till trouble comes knocking at their own doors.

Hats off to the team of PAAN SINGH TOMAR - the film. May their tribe increase.
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