StreetDance 2 (2012)
Good dancing...And that's it
19 August 2012
I gave it a five and only because the dancers were so talented that would be unfair to give it a really low rate.

This is a DANCE MOVIE , not a MOVIE WITH DANCE. You don't go for this one expecting a good plot or even a good acting (although it wasn't that bad, if you keep in mind that you're watching DANCERS acting and not ACTORS dancing) The plot is really simple and focused (and cliché) in the dance battle, so you cannot expect any depth in it, you won't get any background on the characters.

The dance is amazing, the fusion very nice, but for me the Latin dancers were really the most pleasure thing to watch in this movie. It was SO refreshing. I'm kind bored and tired with this "street dance" thing, all the "rolling on the floor" and "robot steps" really annoys me, every dance reality show has some dancer or crew to do it, all modern dance movies there's someone to do these steps. And it's amazing, really, and i'm sure it's very hard to do, but I think it just lost its magic for me. I know the name of the movie is "Street Dance", but maybe I was expecting some different and more creative steps from the street dancers.

Well...If you just want to watch some very good dancing and you don't mind about a silly and empty plot, you should try this one. Otherwise I wouldn't recommend it for anyone.
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