Breaking Bad: Gliding Over All (2012)
Season 5, Episode 8
I used to love to go camping.
2 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
But then I took a meth lab to the knee.

Gliding over all is the 8th episode of the 5th and final season of Breaking Bad.

After a very short 2 months, we are at the mid season break of our favorite show on television. No, not small town security, BREAKING BAD!

Gliding over all starts off with a very still Heisenberg, looking at, what other than, a fly! Remind anyone of another episode? No? OK, moving on.

Jesse swings by the shed to confirm with Heisenberg that Mike made it out OK, Heisenberg replies with a very straight forward "He's gone." Jesse, having the analyzing skills of a 5th grader, believes that Mike truly made it out OK, I expect that to be a major part of the story next year.

After that, Heisenberg consults with Todd's uncle, and then, we get a very dark two minute stretch of men being shanked, tossed, burned, and beaten to death in prison. One may think after this, "wow, this show can't get much darker than that" One, would in fact, be wrong. The scene then skips to Heisenberg holding his year old daughter or so, while watching a news special about all the men that were just murdered in prison, so father like.

Now, to the important parts, we get to the best conversation in the show, Hank comes home from a very stressful day at work finding out that all 9 men have been murdered, aka, the only 9 men that knew anything about Gustavo's operation, after Hank talks to Heisenberg about his old job, and how this job is hurting him physically/emotionally, Heisenberg then calmly replies, "I used to love to go camping" Referencing the old days when him and Jesse used to cook out in the boonies in a beat up RV.

To avoid sounding like an echo, I'll assume you know the rest of the show and skip to the good part, Walt is, and I quote, "Done", that's right folks, you heard it from Walter himself, but then again, they don't show any proof of him dissolving the business so, it's pure speculation.

Now, if you're still reading this, here is my review of the episode! This episode does a great job of relieving some stress off of the show itself, IE: getting rid of mike's prison connections, paying off Jesse, and FINALLY, Walter and Skyler are talking again, I know, I finally called him Walter, he FINALLY is kind of likable again. But to every happy moment, there is a 5'7 Dea agent to stick his bald head in the wrong place, and that just happens to be Hank. Although this wasn't a surprising ending, it is a HUGE cliff hanger, so while we are all waiting another 8 months to see the final episodes of Breaking Bad, we can try and guess what is going to happen, but until then, I rate this episode, a ten, out of ten.
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