Breaking Bad: Gliding Over All (2012)
Season 5, Episode 8
Absolutely brilliant
3 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
No other series in television history has so cleverly been able to transmute the protagonist into the antagonist in such an incremental, turn-by-turn almost justified way; and this episode ultimately shows that Walt, no matter how honest his intentions of reform were, is unable to escape from the consequences of choices he has made and from the reality that, hiding in plain sight can only protect for so long.

An absolutely brilliant episode of sheer film directing brilliance. As Walt cleans up his mess and eradicates threats which may undermine his operations and identity, he makes a seemingly genuine commitment to opt out of the operation and of the trade. The episode shows his gradual mending of his broken relationship and fractured self - or at least - a realization that 'being the best' at meth isn't leading to his contentment and happiness as it had previously promised. He wants his life back.

However the cliff-hanger we are left with is the point of Hank's sudden realization; or at least being put on notice - of Walt's darker identity and his connection with Gail. An absolute brilliant last 5 seconds that will propel the anxious wait until the latter part of the season. I can't wait.

Vince Gilligan's true masterpiece of directorship in taking the viewer on a calm joy ride of normality only to the shock of Hank's realization - a realization we've all known was inevitable. What a brilliant show. In terms of directorship, acting and momentum its generated, an unqualified 10/10.
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