For A Good Time, Call...2.5 out of 4 Skittles
6 September 2012
Co-writer and star Lauren Miller has played various smaller roles in several of her husband Seth Rogen's movies (Superbad, 50/50, Zack and Miri Make a Porno), but uses For a Good Time, Call… as an attempt to step out of her hubby's shadow and distinguish herself as a star on her own. Her script is a fun, light hearted take on the so-called taboo world of phone sex, and while the endless amount of naughty jokes are humorous to a certain extent, the gimmick runs itself a bit thin by film's end. Miller, paired with veteran ditz-for-hire Ari Graynor make a fun female version of the Odd Couple, but it doesn't take long for these characters to run out of steam on screen. Along with Miller, Graynor has long been the sidekick in other people's starring vehicles, so it's nice to see her actually get the chance to carry a movie on her own, but her persona in this flick is virtually the same to her characters in Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and The Sitter. Graynor shows flashes of what could be. I truly hope she gets the chance to do something different and show the world that she's not just a one trick pony. One plus going for the flick is the numerous cameos of big-time actors getting to come in and day play as the skeezy pervs calling into the hotline for some help with their self gratification. Rogen makes a cameo as an air pilot showing a possible reason why all our flights are delayed. Kevin Smith (Jay and Silent Bob) delivers huge laughs taking care of his business while driving a cab. Ken Marino (Party Down, Role Models) a blunt tax attorney, and Martha MacIsaac (Superbad) a female prisoner using her one phone call, also get to chime in on the fun as well. It's obvious the cast got a kick out of making this film. Although For A Good Time, Call… is fun and has its charm, it doesn't have enough weight to dig past its superficial glossy exterior and tell a truly realistic story.
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