Powerful piece of cardboard filmmaking
11 December 2012
The Biohazard / Resident Evil universe invites with an animated story focused on the well-liked character of Leon S. Kennedy (Matthew Mercer). In a made up Slava Republic (Why do they always have to think stuff like this up? Why not just keep it real?) infighting between the presidential forces of Svetlana Belikova (Wendee Lee) and resurgents led by Alexander 'Sasha' Kozachenko (Dave Wittenberg) causes the latter to dabble with Bio-Organic Weapons of the Umbrella Corporation. By attempting to utilise the Plaga parasite to control lickers the tide of civil war is supposed to turn. This situation causes the appearance of Ada Wong (Courtenay Taylor), who undoubtedly possesses hidden motives. Meanwhile Leon tries his best to contain the BOW use before the situation explodes out of control...

After a severely disappointing Resident Evil: Retribution, the animated feature comes off as a breath of fresh air. While this isn't entirely true, as voice acting ranges from over-exuberant to wooden and the dialogues churned out for story purposes as unanimously god-awful. That said the plot itself remains enticing, although without much of a survival thriller feel to it, more inclined towards all out action focused on biological warfare than stricte Zombie genre stuff. And what action it is! The movie is infested mostly by Majini and some gruesome Lickers, but the best comes in the form of the appearance of Tyrants. The ultimate Resident Evil foe appears with intended mayhem, delivering an absolute epic battle featuring exploding trucks, tanks and Tyrants vs hordes of Lickers, which make up for the atrociously shallow scriptwriting.

The much appreciated CGI animation is riveting - a pure feast for the eyes, full with mind-blowing details and captivating sequences.
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