Another Bette Davis classic
5 January 2013
Film follows the friendship of two friends from 1924 to 1943. One is "Kit" Marlowe (Bette Davis) who writes serious books that never make money. The other is Mildred Drake (Miriam Hopkins) who writes pulp novels by the dozens...and makes tons of money. Also involved is Preston Dake (John Loder) Mildred's husband, her high strung daughter Deirdre (Dolores Moran) and Rudd Kendall (a ridiculously young Gig Young) who wants to marry Kit.

Next to "Now Voyager" this is my favorite Bette Davis film. It's beautifully done with a good script, direction and acting. It's never dull and the passing of years is done great. Hopkins is WAY over the top here screeching most of her lines, marching across a room, arms flying, eyes wide open...but it fits her character. Davis is much more low-key and it works beautifully. The contrasts of the two characters is right on target. It's well known that the two actresses hated each other but it actually helps the movie. At one point Davis has to calmly reach out and grab Hopkons and shake her violently. It's a GREAT scene. The supporting cast is good too except for Loder. WAY too wooden in his role. Still this is a great movie well worth catching. Updated and remade in 1981 as "Rich and Famous". That's also a good movie but not as good as this one.
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