Review of Arthur

Arthur (1981)
Classic comedy
12 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Listen up folks..... If you didn't see this movie in 1981 when you were between the ages of 18 and 25-ish you just won't get it. This is a classic comedy film which at the time was seen multiple times by fans, where dialog lines were repeated amongst friends over and over again. And the song, albeit corny now, worked perfectly in 1981 when Chris Cross- type music was the other norm, after the hair bands of course. It's a sweet, funny fairytale with a sad element involved watching Arthur live loud & inappropriately thru the over indulgence of alcohol. Sad state of affairs even today for some of the unhappy rich. I just watched it again tonight having not seen it in a dozen years or more. I laughed throughout. Dudley Moore was at his comedic best. But John Gielgud steals the show with his lines, said dryly as a proper butler would, but hysterical! He won the Academy Award for his role. This was also one of Liza Minnelli's finest moments. Sad, all but 2 of the main characters are dead today. All the more reason to see this movie for the first time or again. Add it to your library of "Films that Left an Impact on a Generation." And watch it with 1981 eyes, even if you were just a twinkle in your mom's eyes at that time! PS> the 2011 version is NOTHING like the original and it's a disgrace to this film and the memory of all involved that this hack-job of a film even carried the same title.
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