Review of Special 26

Special 26 (2013)
Special 26 Is A Super-Over-Smart Movie With Traces Of Buffoonery!
8 February 2013
"A Wednesday" made me watch this and boy, was I surprised? Was I entertained? Hell yes, Special 26 is 2013's first serious cinema with no cheap humor, ridiculous stunt sequences or the typical B'wood masala. While Akshay Kumar is known for Housefull & Rowdy Rathore, this one plays different with a sharp plot-driven story and an even amazing execution on a real-life incident!

Cut out the romance, and this is one gripping, fabulously woven heist drama parallel to what we see in Hollywood flicks. Anupam Kher couldn't get more thespian while Jimmy Shergill & Manoj Bajpayee complement the cast. Direction, screenplay (so that you don't get bored through 2.5 hours), score, acting and every other film factor is thoroughly scrutinized in this. Now, what's even more Special about this movie is that - since the time gap between decent, "movie-wala" movies is so vast, that you just can't get enough of it. Paisa Vasool!

Originality in the thefts, corruption, authentic depiction of Indian locations and what-not, I could praise this movie and write a book moreover because it is 2013's one decent try.

BOTTOM LINE: I should not reveal much and spoil the broth. Because Special 26 cannot be missed. 100% Recommended but if you are a logic- ridden cinema-goer, you may despise it! Except some dumb plot holes and serious anachronisms, it is a good thriller. But don't expect it anywhere near to what "A Wednesday" was. 10/10

Can be watched with a typical Indian family? YES

Language: Mediocre | Sex & Nudity: No | Violence: No | Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs: No
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