O Dreamland (1953)
Good Short No Matter What You Think It Means
8 February 2013
O Dreamland (1953)

*** (out of 4)

I've read several reviews of Lindsay Anderson's documentary that takes a look at the Margate's amusement park and it seems a lot of different people see a lot of different things in it. I've read reviews stating that the director was taking a cynical look at post-war entertainment where people were pretty much forced into cheap entertainment that made them morons. I've read reviews stating that this was just a travelogue to show people what great fun they could have at Margate's. I've even read a few who thought the film was just meant to show what type of fun you could have now that the war was over. There are so many different theories on the film that it's easy to say everyone is going to take away something different. For me I'd say the best thing going for the picture was its editing. I really liked the way the various images were put together and I thought there was a terrific flow to them. I really liked the way Anderson would just show people walking around in a haze and then give us a scene of something fun. Be it on of the shows going on or the various rides. I fall well below calling this a masterpiece but it's certainly an interesting little curio that film buffs should enjoy.
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