Monday Mornings: Deus Ex Machina (2013)
Season 1, Episode 2
This show is a cut above
12 February 2013
In case someone still has doubts regarding this show being copy of Grey's, episode 2 clearly puts the question to rest. It is so far off from the harlequin type Grey's Anatomy. Here, the doctors are real professionals, with genuine concern for patients and additionally, are held accountable for their decisions.

Episode 2, Deus ex Machina, illustrates it powerfully - the core theme for the entire series - doctors do care immensely for their patients yet make mistakes; they do happen. Like most of us, they get caught in the moment, and are required to make decisions that may or may not appeal to others. One doctor needs to make a difficult decision regard organ donations. Did he cross the line? Yes. Is that for his own benefit? No. Did it benefit a few others? Yes. These are the kinds of things sometimes individuals in hospitals or real life deal with. I think the episode presents various angles of this issue beautifully. That is what these series is about. I also liked the way the interpersonal relationships are being dealt. Doctors spend hours on end together in a hospital, inevitably, the come to care about for each other. Unlike the other show, the friendship or relationship between Tierney and Wilson is suggestive and somewhat elusive in this. What this show sets apart from other medical dramas is the seriousness with which the medical ethical issues are discussed. That helps both the doctors and patients. The episodes guide, it is obvious that the show will address the legal aspects as well. I can't imagine a more cogent, reflective show. This one is for keeps.
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