Review of Special 26

Special 26 (2013)
--Spoilers----Analysis of whole Plot----
14 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As I read somewhere in threads some users have point out that ---

"After Waseem found out what the plan was, they changed their Plan A" !!!!

It was not the pure Luck of real CBI that Waseem found out their Plan. It was deliberately done. As you can understand from the things that Jimmy was accompanying them and he find out the Anupam kher records. Also when Manoj Bajpayee got to know from the Jewelers' owner that Fake CBI have raided their workshop -- Bajapayee understood all their plan in flashback scenes. So they had deliberately involved CBI in this raid….

Thus it was indeed the plan to involve CBI, now there are lots of plot holes here like ---

1) What was the need of involving Real CBI? I could understand that Akshay Kumar wanted to show them that he is smarter than real CBI guys , but still it involved lots of risk.

2) How could you be sure that the real CBI will definitely not arrest you before your final attempt to rob the jewelers shop? It could have been a good logic in US/UK where you have to caught the thief red handed to prove their crimes but here in India the Real CBI could have under- arrested the whole gang and then with normal torture/practice would have made them accept their robberies. Even few Businessman/Netas could have made to identify them. "So it was a stupid idea to involve real CBI that too by sending your own goon". Otherwise you could easily have gone at the jewelers shop and have looted that. There is no point of taking this much of risk to show that you are smarter than the real one!!!!! (I would have liked the movie if the Jimmy character would have been genuine as then it shows that the Real CBI worked hard to get behind those cons and finally in the end these cons were too smart and fooled them. But it this case it' bulls**t !!!!!

3) OK. I want to fool real CBI that' why you involved them. But then again --(god knows from where they got this intuition/ surety that)the real jewellery would be deposited in workshop.... This is not understandable. As lots of ppl have made this point that the better option was to keep the jewellery at some place in showroom like any vault. So again you have jeopardized your last raid by involving the Real CBI that too by yourself.......

4) It was never shown how they were able to siphon-off the money they looted to other country. As after these fake raids they would have amassed lots of Money/jewellery which was not that easy to siphon-off. I know in terms of Movies or even real world it' small thing but they should have shown that where and how they were dumping the money esp. the raids outside of Delhi/Mumbai where one of the four con was located.

5) Again the real CBI case - by involving them they have risked their family. At-least as shown in the movie (don't know the background of real con from where this movie is inspired) but here they have shown the big family for Anupam Kher & Joginder (Rajesh Sharma) and even for Iqbal (Kishor Kadam). Only Akki was the man with only a dumb sweetheart. So their family could have been an easy target of CBI esp. since you fooled their best officer.

6) Last the Jimmy Shergil plot --- To make it feel genuine what director has shown (i) The Politician would definitely have called the SP after the fake raid even as shown in the Movie. So now either I should assume that SP was also fake or they all were so dumb to know that Jimmy was a fake Inspector. Even that fake Inspector can be suspended!!!!! And then this fake Inspector can go to CBI and told their top boss that he himself is investigating the case with 19 such sort of cases. So in all this process the whole REAL CBI/ REAL police was so dumb to find out that he was a Con ………

Overall the first half was very beautiful and engaging but the 2nd half/End and suspense was very stupid....

For me --expectations were very high - As I watched movies mostly on the base of directors and not on the base of Star Power so had high expectations from Neeraj Pandey after "Wednesday". But was disappointed.Let'see with the next director Abhishek Kapoor -whose 2nd Movie is also releasing next week -Kai po che! after the marvellous début with "Rock On"
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