Review of Crash Dive

Crash Dive (1943)
12 March 2013
This film is one of the most exciting and realistic depictions of a submarine raid against the Nazis ever made during WWII. The special effects are Academy Award winning, the color cinematography superb, and the acting some of Andrews and Power's best work. The tension during the battle scenes is almost unbearable as a few American commandos wreak destruction upon a secret Nazi base. Without spoiling the stunning means by which the American sub overcomes significant damage to destroy the Nazi fleet and facilities, suffice it to say you will be riveted by the action. There is an obligatory love triangle but it does not detract from the overall quality of the story and the sea sequences. This film is a proper tribute to those who served in the submarine service and ultimately brought the Nazi Atlantic forces to its knees. We owe the brave commandos a special debt of gratitude for the incredible risks they took in crushing Hitler's minions and terminating that mad man's dreams of world conquest. As is so well shown in this motion picture, the Americans were able to overcome overwhelming odds and in so doing saved our country from Axis domination. We should never forget nor take for granted their fantastic achievements on missions like those detailed in this truly superb film.
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