Delightfully entertaining and you'll be singing the song for days!
16 March 2013
WHERE THE BOYS ARE is delightfully entertaining and you'll be singing the song for days! I love the fact that it is really a Spring Break soap opera that doesn't take itself too seriously.

As with all soaps, a couple of threads are usually the highlights. These threads are played by our leads: Hart, Hamilton, Hutton, and Prentiss. Jim Hutton and Paula Prentiss always play off of each other so well, and here again they do not disappoint. They are the comedic story thread. Delores Hart and George Hamilton bring out the romantic drama aplenty. Of course, there are many other lovely girls and silly guys to round out the cast. It's the perfect cast for a Spring Break Beach movie.

This isn't necessarily an award winning worthy film, but if they gave awards for Popcorn and Powder Puff Pieces, then this would be in the top 10. It's fun to watch once a year as all the college kids are headed off on Spring Break. Yes, times have changed. Yes, this film is dated. And yes, it represents the end of an era before the studio system began to collapse and then anything goes from that point on, and that's not necessarily a good thing.

So relax, enjoy, and be prepared to be entertained two times over by the great Connie Francis who acts and sings the famous title song. Best of all, enjoy being transported to a week of fluff and fun!
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