Well-made and Satisfying
23 March 2013
Critics are crying lack of originality. You might say a cheeseburger lacks originality but you'd go back to it if its well cooked. Same here. From the opening sequence - well crafted and nuanced - which sets up the theme for the rest of the movie to conclusion, yes it did feel like one long-take, maybe there ought to be some pauses or cut-aways, but overall it is a fast ride and gratifying and a cut above recent genre. There were few minor misses. I looked for Morgan Freeman to show his usual calm under duress but here he looked dejected. A departure. The main action hero agent whats his name did not displayed any sense of fear while playing in den of deadly foes who occupied the White House, he simply wondered around room to room, sat in the Oval Office and made calls. Hard to believe. Oh, the movie commits a major crime in killing off the first lady / the lovely and talented Ashley Judd within the first 10 minutes, that had me tearing my hair out. They could have used some pretty but no-name actress but not Ashley ?

8 out of 10 for exciting action, realism and just sit back enjoy the show and don't ask too many questions.
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