Beyond my expectations
14 April 2013
Well, here i am trying to redeem myself about this. I honestly didn't like the idea of going to see this movie at all, and the result was quite different than expected. There i was: A person that dislikes the movies from Mexico (my country), about to watch a Mexican movie, that i was sure was gonna be total crap, so if you are like me about this movie read what follows. The movie begins, and the first thing that caught my attention was the Warner Brothers logo, that put me in a skeptical mood, so it was running and for my surprise, it was really good, then it was becoming excellent, at the end i was with mixed feelings, i loved the movie and hated my self for being such an A-hole when i spoke about my reasons for not watching it. What i loved about this movie, was first of all: -The characters: I really loved what every character represented here, like :the hipster kid, the stuck up girl, the "oh my God my ideas are awesome because i think i know people"kid, the hypocrite sold friends, the real world people (you know, the people who lives in the real world), but my favorite was the father, that man knows how to give a lesson (i wont spoil it). -The way the plot was used: i am going to be honest here, the plot is a cliché, from the moment the movie begins,if you have enough brain cells, you know the plot, but what i liked was the way it was evolving, to be honest it was a "original" way to go trough the plot that we all know. There is a lot to love and little to dislike (not hate)i mean there is a lot of language but if you live in Mexico it is the standard level of language for a normal person, and that is just freaking awesome, it doesn't go to far or to limited with it, the passing is just good, even if i felt the movie was going fast, it was good, the character development is just like the plot: predictable but well handled. i really can not express myself as i wish i could but i hope you get my point. i just saw it, i would see it again, it's definitely worth checking out. to finish this i would like to apology to the Mexican cinema industry and i will check out more movies made here in México, and also say "don't judge a book for it's cover" because that is the stupid thing i did for years with Mexican movies and now regret. so a final verdict would be a 8.5 out of 10 in my humble opinion.
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