Boy Wonder (2010)
Psychological Thriller or Revenge Flick
21 April 2013
We're not sure where we ended up. We wanted a simple, cotton candy Punisher-esque movie and ended up with a Donnie Darko Lite meets Lucky Number Sleven, except it wasn't funny at all and because the film was only 93 minutes long, the story and characters were a bit thin. Don't get us wrong. We enjoyed it. Revenge films may be indulgent and it doesn't take much to make them passably satisfying (like most horror films), and Boy Wonder has some strong moments. Still, it wouldn't have hurt to take out a few more criminals along the way. Well, it wouldn't have hurt us anyway. The criminals, yes. But that's the point.

The characters trended towards the typical clichés in these types of movies. Doting mother brutally slaughtered. Young sexy detective with a tough exterior and a heart of gold (that can, amazingly, drink a dude twice her size under the table). A older, world-weary detective that turns a blind eye to vigilante justice. A bumbling cop partner. Etc. That's common in a run-of-the-mill thriller, so we expected that, but we always keep our hopes up that one of these types of movies will surprise us with fantastic characters like the relentless Creasy in Man on Fire or the black hearted but penitent Will Munny in Unforgiven.
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