That's My Boy (2012)
Sandler's made a couple of stinkers lately, but this one rocked!
28 April 2013
And why did it rock? Because Sandler went back to his simple, old formula...giant man-child refuses to grow up! He never really impresses me all that much when he tries to get serious, but remember Billy Madison? Happy Gilmore? The same giant man-child who refuses to grow up formula works again! To all the people out there bashing this movie, pi-- off. If you're not a fan of toilet humor, then no, you're probably not going to like this movie. But if you're an Adam Sandler fan who loves his earlier stuff, this one is right up there with Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore! Hilarious! And Nick Swardson, of course, is hysterical as always! A perfect ten out of ten for me!
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