Review of The Game

The Game (1997)
Just A Silly Game
2 May 2013

Is it possible everybody in this movie was "in on it" ? Every accident, every "death" was staged. There was no deep rewakening, just a lot of silliness. Some how after 1.5 hr of phony plots, I wish Sean Penn and the lawyer were really in an evil plot to take over Mike Douglas's business empire. The film is well-made which is a waste; you'd get tired after seeing everything was a spoof. Who is being made fool here? Example of this silliness would have Mike Douglas jumped off a sky scraper after another staged scene, thru a cathedral glass ceiling,onto a marked landing balloon to the applause of an awaiting dinner party. Of course, they know the exact spot Douglas will jump and therefore aligned the landing perfectly.

Find some other more intelligent game to play.
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