Review of 42

42 (2013)
6 May 2013
An well done depiction of the struggles Jackie Robinson went through to just play baseball. I think all the casting was well done -especially Chadwick Boseman and Harrison Ford. It was hard to see the discrimination then and knowing how it continued for many years - but that was the time of my parents and it was true to the time (so sad). I think Harrison Ford should get an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor - it is such a good performance. I totally forgot who the actor was and got into the personality of Branch Rickey - it was all about the best for the baseball team - but he had a heart too for his players. It was fun to see J.R.Knight in a film again - I have always liked him. I liked the music (I grew up with it) and the costuming was accurate. The sets were well done and the language - that is the way it was - not tolerated now thank heaven. Jackie Robinson was a man of honor and strength - an admirable man.
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