The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Very good thriller
13 May 2013
This is my first review on IMDb but I have used it for years.

I wanted to write about this amazing first episode I just watched, I decided to watch this because it was a featured item on BBC Iplayer, so I went into this completely in the dark.

After the 60 minutes was up I came away some what disturbed, this show really made me fell uneasy. The people who made this hit all the right notes for me, specifically in the pacing and the wonderful casting.

With out giving to much away imagine "A lion stalking it's prey" which has been done countless times before, but in this show it's really frightening and there are some very clever camera shots, particularly the scene with the swooping camera overheard in the house.

The build up throughout the episode made the end scene ever more scary, once you see it you will know what I mean about disturbing, there is only one out come, scary stuff.

I really liked The Fall and I like being scared, I hope the other episodes live up to the first.

Good job all involved.
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