Review of Antigone

Antigone (1961)
Review deals with moral dilemmas in Antigone
4 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The plot of Antigone is about the city of Thebes having just come under new rule after the death of Oedipus, along with his two sons, Polynices and Eteocles. The city's new ruler, King Creon, is plotted against a citizen mourning her brother's death, Antigone. After the death of both of her brothers, Creon states that only Eteocles shall be given a proper burial because he died defending his city. On the other hand Polynices got together an army to fight against Thebes and died an enemy of the state. Antigone has the internal dilemma of choosing to obey her king or to obey the divine ruling of the Gods, and to honor her brother with a burial. The moral dilemmas presented in this film can be related to those in Plato's works, Euthyphro and Republic. The main question brought about it what is right or just? Antigone must question is the justice in her brother's burial a greater justice than Creon's rule? Euthyphro would argue yes, it would be justified to bury her brother in a religious fashion for he was a believer and its what the Gods would want, therefore, it is just and pious. In Plato's republic, Thraseymachus argues that just is the will of the stronger. He believes that a ruler must be obeyed. Thus in his perspective Antigone would have gone against what was right and just by going against her ruler, her king, Creon. The problem that we as the viewers must question then is how can you decide which justice is the greater one? Antigone apparently sees going against the will of the gods a s a greater injustice for she buries her brother despite Creon's demands. It is then King Creon who is placed in a difficult situation when his punishment to Antigone, his son's soon to be bride, causes her to hang herself and thus he tears apart the family. Though he once stated that a rule with exceptions is a weak rule, one can argue that the rules of morality must have exceptions, so are they therefore weak? Or are they stronger because they can be molded to fit any question. I saw the min questioned posed in the film as which injustice was greater, thus presenting each character with their own internal argument.

Memorable parts of the film having to do with morality: "How hard is it for a mind to be changed by force?"- King Creon "Reason is man's most precious gift, and by the will of nature, the tone of his reasoning is determined by his moral code."- Antigone, the movie
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