Camp Hell (2010)
An unconventional psychological horror film that will stay with the freethinkers and exorcises the close-minded.
26 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this film and it blew me away. For some people, this film will be a disappointment. Why? Because people are expecting a conventional horror flick. They see "religion" and "demon" and think: "Oh, exorcism movie, not again." This film takes the religion theme to a whole new level.

It's basically a social commentary on the dangers of how some people interpret religion. Religion itself has nothing wrong with it, it's how people interpret it that makes it such a touchy subject. The concept of "Saint vs. Sinner" is executed beautifully and it will make you think long after the credits have rolled. If it doesn't, then maybe films like this one simply aren't for you.

I've seen many people on here talking about how this is not a horror. This is not true, but not false either. Horror is subjective. Some see blood-and-gore flicks as horror, some say horror is something psychological. Is this a horror film to me? Absolutely. Jump scares, dramatic music and tension doesn't equal horror in my book. That's evoking a natural human reaction known as shock. Jump scares aren't a valid horror device because it doesn't evoke fear. Fear is being afraid of what is to come, not screaming with your heart going 300 BPM because someone just jumped out of a closet to really loud musical effects.

Camp Hell is a very interesting and beautifully executed psychological horror film that pushes the boundaries of what people perceive as horror. If this doesn't apply to you, you're watching the wrong genre of films. Harsh? No, simply an opinion. The horror community needs more films like this.
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