An alright movie
27 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was surprisingly alright, from pony to human is not that bad, throughout the movie I almsot forgot this is an MLP movie though, anyway, it's not as bad as many people thought. But of course there are down sides sadly. Many parts of the movie were quite dumb:

Sure Twilight going to the other world to get a piece of Elements of Harmony back from someone who stole it, makes sense yes. The friends from the human world doesn't feel weird when she told the truth where she came from, okay? Twilight having crush on someone that just popped up randomly ...It's unnecessary Hasbro. At the end, the "Principal" Celestia and lots of other people don't feel scared/call the police/panic much when they saw a flying Satan like creature in the sky destroying things, uh... Yeah that doesn't make sense.

But again, we're talking about a child movie here, it's meant for children, so don't yell about it, calm down.

Conclusion, the movie is alright to child or adults. I personally like the music a lot, especially the intro remix and the "Help Twilight Sparkle Win the Crown" song, even though some people say it sucks, still think it's pretty nice, nice job Danial Ingram.
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