Stigmata (1999)
Aims Too High
5 July 2013
There's much going on in this Horror Movie, maybe too much. In its effort to make a scary, Mystic, Religio/Politico Film it becomes a bit muddled and ambiguous. The best parts being the Vatican cover-up of Ancient Documents Damming the Church and their efforts, and at all costs, to keep things hush-hush.

It is, if anything, a stylish affair of the Soul, Beliefs and Dogma intertwined with Possession, of sorts, and something about Faith and lack thereof. This is quite a bit to handle and it is obvious that the Style overcomes the Substance as things unfold.

The Movie is not without its energy and some of what comes through about Ancient Mysteries, Languages, and Saints is intriguing. But there is just too much going on here and things tend to get purged of their importance, or for that matter, their meaning.

It is partly effective and has its Charm, is high on razzle-dazzle, and in the end becomes just too leaden and that keeps it from attaining its destination of predetermined lofty heights.
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