Doctor Who (1963–1989)
My Favorite TV Series...First Five Doctors Only!
17 August 2013
Of all the TV series I've seen, this is in my mind the best, since it had a huge impact in my life, ever since I first saw it in 1982! William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, & Peter Davison represent the program for me, an imaginative, intelligent, engaging and fun adventure for the first 21 years....then alas it went off the rails disastrously, becoming a gaudy, unappealing mess with the miscast Colin Baker and poor writing ruining my favorite series. I just ignore the final five years as a result(though Sylvester McCoy was fine, the irreparable damage had been done...) I remember wishing that I could travel with the Doctor as a companion and share in his adventures, but then again, so haven't millions of fans. The Tardis is still like a second home for me, and I can revisit it anytime I like now that the DVD range is complete!
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