The Fans are Right, this season was the worst of the Franchise
27 August 2013
who in the world thought This was passable for a kid's show??! Well considering the usual viewing audience for Power Rangers is between the ages of 5-10 I guess it doesn't matter but if you've been a long time fan since the franchise's inception, then well....this season is like the unfortunate abortion of the franchise!

Yes, this series was bad,not funny and not good as the other power rangers seasons

bad cast, weak acting, terrible villains, a good plot ruined by Poor writing, horrible characterizations and Awful Zords.

The best and only good episodes of operation overdrive are once a ranger parts 1&2 Features the return of Adam&Tori&Kira&Bridge&Xander And it also features Zedd and Rita's son named Thrax

The Theme song of this Season was a Bit catchy at first but it gets a bit annoying after a while

Operation Overdrive is one of the worst seasons of the franchise (way worse than Samurai), seriously...what did I just watch this back in 2007 and in 2008???

4 Words: Don't, Watch, This, Season
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