In a World... (2013)
31 August 2013
A sentence that someone wrote on the board sums it up for me: "This movie has moments of minor charms, but it is really all over the place - it's about fathers, daughters, husbands, wives, the voice-over industry, gender politics, new love - and it never comes together into a coherent picture." It gets lost in its subplots, and it has long stretches of nothingness. During most of the movie I didn't really know anything about the characters' goals or why they existed or anything. They were just there doing funny things sometimes. I guess that Lake Bell's character was covertly competing with her dad to be the next "big movie voice," but I really have no idea if this goal was the main plot because the movie strayed so far away from it, and it was never actually explicitly stated. Although I was mildly entertained by some of its humor, overall I was very bored and walked out after an hour-- around the time when Ken Marino sucked on Lake Bell's nose. Twice.
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