The Hidden (1987)
Is this movie a hidden gem?
5 September 2013
Yes, it is. This may be called a B-movie (which it may be, but only because of quite cheap effects), but it surely is better than some first grade movies. What you get with this movie is a solid sci-fi/mystery/suspense/action movie with enough "body count" for those who care about it. What you also get is solid acting, a cop buddy story which is not too much stereotypically, a "strange" but likable MacLachlan character and for those who grow up in the 80ties, a déjà vu not only with MacLachlan, but also with Nouri and Claudia Christian, which most will best know from B5.

The best thing about this movie in my view is the fact, that the real story, the reason for the chase and especially the true face of MacLachlan's character are revealed very subtle, just so much that you notice that there could be something weird but not so much that it becomes too obvious. It's not a blatant uncovering of the real, underlying motives, which gives a touch of mystery in all the action, too.

So, "The Hidden" gets seven out of ten from me; this makes it clearly above average in a ten star rating where you have to give one star so that 5 and 6 are the average (little below/little above). I would give eight stars if the ending (the kill of the bas add) wouldn't be a little weak and the effects would be better. But seven is okay and everybody with an inclination for such type of movies can easily watch this movie, he/she won't regret it.
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