See Girl Run (2012)
Surprisingly Good
11 September 2013
I like indie romantic dramas, but I am very skeptical about their execution. This one is enormously depressing. It's almost like a documentary, and you could ask yourself why it's worth spending time watching a bunch of losers get depressed. However.......

There are a number of key elements, including outstanding dialog, that make it well worth your while. They show you the reality of marriage, which is that an aging person is sharing your bed and bathroom and that is not always sexy.

They show you that in most cases, you can't go backwards. You must grow up and move on with your choices. This is actually made clear through two wonderful monologues by the female lead's father. I think he is William Sadler. Bravo dude.

The lead wears little or no makeup. If you are used to seeing her in a more glamorous light, be prepared. The coastal Maine setting is very interesting and appealing to me at least. The cinematographer frames some wonderful shots of smoke stacks amidst gloomy sky.

But for me the best part of the film is the actor Adam Scott, who plays the old high school boyfriend. He is so natural and earnest, that you really feel for his dilemma. He's a really nice guy who just can't get on with things. He's stuck in gear.

The characterization with the lead's little brother is the major flaw. We need to know more about him. If you are going to present someone as clinically depressed, at least let us know what he has done for a living in the past, what is his main conflict, and how long he's been this way.

Stay away from this movie unless you love very natural, sensitive, insightful dialog about growing up and making choices, or you just like movies about small towns and "unfinished business." I do, so I liked it.
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