In a World... (2013)
Terrible story
22 September 2013
I don't know what kind of movie Bell was trying to make here. I suspect she wanted to say a few things about gender politics in Hollywood and families and decided to hedge her bets by making it lighthearted. The script she delivers is a weird hybrid of domestic drama and romantic comedy that doesn't work as either.

A big problem here is the character of Carol's father. This character belongs in a noisy farce and not in a quiet movie like this one. The way this man is so over the top in his ego, self absorption, and general obnoxiousness is distracting from the rest of the story. The way the character is redeemed in the end is so phony and unearned that it actually makes me a bit angry to think about it.

The movie is well cast and well acted. There are bits and pieces here, such as a scene of voice over artists talking at an industry party and the entire subplot involving Carol's sister and brother-in-law, that I wish could be somehow relocated into a better screenplay. There is enough to like here that the movie is kind of entertaining until the last fifteen or twenty minutes when the movie becomes completely tone deaf and starts hitting one wrong note after another.

In a world where screenplays with engaging and well rounded characters exist, "In a World..." shouldn't.
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