An unsatisfactory tale of a younger brother facing the death of his brother.
13 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A story of a younger sibling trying to recapture the life he believes he had before a tragic incident leaves him the only survivor, living in a small community where all but his mother and his dead brother's girlfriend turn against him, a community where he was raised. Severely underdeveloped in character motivation (what is leading him? his brother's death? the tale his mother told him? or would he have been like this anyway given how the backstory unfolds), held together by a mix of hand held plus supposed home movies, none of which provide a coherence (my companion was really bugged by the relentless shots of the back of his head). Too many questions, such as who's view is this? Who is behind the home movies,and why? Who is filming on board the fated boat? At one point, when he straps the knives together I thought for a moment we were returning to NEDS (which I liked). Much of this was cliché - hands trailing over cement walls, held up to light;a horse suddenly on the beach. And the ending? I am not sure what to make of that. Many of the scenes could have been taken out as I wasn't sure they were propelling the story, or the scenes were too short so didn't lead anywhere, eg Aaron wearing the mask but no-one noticing. Given the good reviews, I must have missed something!
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