One Reason why I don't bother with Australian films
8 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to see this movie to see what the cop cars looked like in the eighties (it was a long time ago and I can't remember a VL commodore as the standard cop car). Anyway, I felt quite jipped when the cop cars were VB Commodores and had YELLOW lights. They are not real cop cars (though the cops probably did drive VB Commodores when then were first being built). That doesn't matter because obviously this is a low budget movie and one can't expect everything.

It wasn't a good movie though - there seemed to be a lack of a plot, and once they had fled the city after causing enormous problems for a certain nasty police sergeant, the movie lacked direction. They began mining, which is difficult in Australia because one does not own the minerals under the ground, the government does, and one cannot simply start mining them. The movie simply seemed to be glued together and there was little joining the scenes together. The end of the movie was completely illogical as well, because Ricky becomes a builder, or is it that she is mining in the middle of Melbourne - it is difficult to work out.

Pete is an inventor, though this is done fairly well, the movie simply seems to be an excuse to show some weird inventions, and not many of them exist in the movie either - at least Malcolm had a plot (from what I can remember). One might argue that we should support Australian film - I will as long as they are not like this movie.

The plot is very difficult to make out - a sergeant injured Ricky and Pete's mother and Pete becomes Evil Donald in a quest of vengeance against this police officer. He causes one too many problems and they flee the city to make a new life in the country. It begins as a road movie, but then settle down in a town (no idea what the town is, but it probably is Mount Isa) and begin mining after ripping off a major mine. They then sell the mine, make heaps of money, and get the police officer in lots of trouble, reconcile with their parents (though this is not resolved, simply the police laugh at the pompous old father) and then have a happy ending - nothing directing them to the end, simply an unconnected series of events culminating in a pathetic ending where everybody is happy. Not exactly a movie that is worth wasting one's time to see.
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